Statistical Power Calculator – Calculate Sample Size

Do you want to determine the power of your statistical test? Enter the necessary parameters, and our Advanced Statistical Power Calculator will help you calculate the power of your test.

Advanced Statistical Power Calculator

Calculate sample size with precision and advanced features

Study Design

Choose between two independent groups or one group vs population study

Primary Endpoint

Select the type of outcome you’re measuring

Statistical Parameters


Required Sample Size (Group 1)

Required Sample Size (Group 2)

Total Sample Size

Effect Size

Advanced Statistical Power Calculator Tablular Information

Part Description
Sample Size The number of observations or participants in your study.
Effect Size The expected difference between the groups or conditions you are comparing.
Significance Level (α) The probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true, typically set at 0.05.
Power (1-β) The probability of correctly rejecting the null hypothesis when it is false.
  • Power = 1 – β
  • Power depends on the sample size, effect size, and significance level.
Purpose Helps you calculate the statistical power of your test, ensuring that your study has a high likelihood of detecting a true effect.

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